Saturday 24 August 2013

Wednesday 31.08.11

If anyone has swagger its DR.M. He was and is the best doctor I could have had. He is one of the top surgeons for Neurology and he knows his work. I remember when he first walked into the room, he had an air about him and an entourage that followed wherever he went. He wore a pin stripped suit with an orange cravat and lime green socks. He was very charming. 

The early morning of the 31st August he came swooping in and boldly stated ‘I have been looking at the scans all night with my colleague, we have found something which means we need to further investigate before we do anything.’ We and others all prayed that God would give wisdom to my doctors and this was so the work of God making sure that it was done correctly. The decisions were made by him then and there that after he left, the porter and anaesthetists all came up ready to take me down and prep me but the news had not got to them that it was postponed. DR.M had the final say on everything and his judgements in my opinion were always good ones. I was blessed with such a great doctor. 

I had extensive eye tests, they could even see the tumour behind the back of my right eye, it is a training hospital so I had 3 trainee eye doctors all ask to see it. I couldn’t help but find it amusing and tried to keep still and not laugh at them all staring in amazement. 

I had an angiogram which is when they shoot dye in my vein that ran all the way to my head and found out that the tumour was being fed by my blood supply. It was a very strange and uncomfortable experience but the peace of God was so upon me that the nurses were amazed at my calmness and my parents would only ever answer that it was my faith and trust in God. In doing this it meant that if they went ahead with the original plan they would have found this out too late and I would have lost a lot of blood and that would have lead to all sorts of complications. In other words. I was kept. 

I have mentioned that I had a great doctor and I will mention how wonderful some of my nurses were. But I know who the best doctor/nurse was, I knew who really cared about me and that was Jesus. My motto for my time in hospital was ‘I am cared for by the one who made the universe’ You can’t get any bigger, more powerful than that! So I was in safe hands. Whenever the doctors would say all these horrible percentages of survival, or the chances of some nasty things happening. I was never phased as I KNEW that God was bigger than all of it and that He had me in the palm of His hands. 

This brought me back and reminded me how important it was that I learnt how much He cared, loved and saw me. How could I not love Him back. 

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